[Solved] My dancer stop dancing when character talk to npc

Started by actaria, Thu 13/04/2023 22:06:30

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I hope everyone is doing well.

I need your help because i am stuck on that one.

I have a bar with a pianist and a dancer:

I use this code to make the dancer move everywhere on stage

Code: ags
function room_AfterFadeIn()

Code: ags
function room_RepExec()
if (IsTimerExpired(15)) {
cdanseuse.Walk(Random(999), Random(999), eNoBlock, eWalkableAreas);
SetTimer(15,80 + Random(80));

It works well the problem i'd like to solve is that the character needs to talk to a NPC and when the dancer reach the end of timer she stops once the NPC is talking or opening a dialog.

How can i make the dancer to keep dancing even when the player is talking to someone ?

Thanks a lot for your precious help.


Thanks a lot for the answer i will have a look right now  ;-D

Perfectly working thank you didn"t know about the "always" thing

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: actaria on Thu 13/04/2023 22:34:37Perfectly working thank you didn"t know about the "always" thing

There's some information about these, and explains the difference:


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