Restore process doesn´t work properly. (SOLVED)

Started by PERXEO, Wed 10/05/2023 14:35:19

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I have a GUI for restoring save games that works perfectly, except for one detail. These are snippets of their codes:
This is the function that makes appear the GUI:
Code: ags
function show_restore_game_dialog()
  // get the list of save games

  if (gRestoreList.ItemCount > 0)
    // if there is at least one, set the default text
    // to be the first game's name
    gRestoreText.Text = gRestoreList.Items[0];
    // no save games yet, so default to empty text
    gRestoreText.Text = "";

This is the code I use for restoring a savegame:

Code: ags
function btnRestoreGame_OnClick(GUIControl *control, MouseButton button)
    if (gRestoreList.ItemCount<=0)
      player.Say("No hay ninguna partida guardada");
      if (gRestoreList.SelectedIndex >= 0)

The rest of the codes I think are not relevant.

When I test the game and record a game, it is perfectly recorded. If I use these routines to recover one of the saved games, it works too fades-in to black, and the screen stays black permanently....until I press a key or the cursor mouse, so that with a fade-out the correct scene appears and the game continues without problem.
How can I avoid the need to have to press the mouse or a key for the process of restoring a game to be done perfectly?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: PERXEO on Wed 10/05/2023 14:35:19When I test the game and record a game, it is perfectly recorded. If I use these routines to recover one of the saved games, it works too fades-in to black, and the screen stays black permanently....until I press a key or the cursor mouse, so that with a fade-out the correct scene appears and the game continues without problem.
How can I avoid the need to have to press the mouse or a key for the process of restoring a game to be done perfectly?

This is not a normal behavior.

How is your game saved, in which moment exactly and what script do you use?

Do you have any commands in on_event function under eEventRestoreGame?


oh, thanks in order to check it it works I had this:
Code: ags
function on_event(int event, int data)
    if (event == eEventRestoreGame)
       // Display("DATA %d ", data);

but if I remove it, it works!!! Thanks!!! Very useful, as usual!!

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