Tumbleweed scrolling room issue with Give verb

Started by PEd1, Thu 28/09/2023 17:48:11

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So there's a little problem I'm finding that's in my game, but can also be seen in the actual Tumbleweed demo game too...

When you go into the second room with the Hologram character, if you're not near him and you "Give" any item to the Hologram, the player character walks over to him to the correct spot, but then nothing else happens, it doesn't do the player saying his line and the Hologram responding.
It then works fine if you try it again, now that you're already nearer the character, he'll respond.

In my game, the same thing happens in any rooms that have a larger scrolling background. For all rooms that aren't scrolling, the "Give" works fine first time and runs perfectly from any distance.

Any way to fix this in the scrolling rooms?
I've tried putting a specific x, y place for the player to walk to, but that doesn't help, he still only walks over and then does nothing.


I think you are hitting a new bug in the template of something that used to work

It was reported here:


I think it's best to maybe ask in that thread - just check if I haven't misinterpreted and it's indeed the same issue.


Quote from: eri0o on Thu 28/09/2023 18:04:40just check if I haven't misinterpreted and it's indeed the same issue.

Yeah, that's the same issue.
I replaced the block in VerbGui.asc that abstauber mentioned and that fixes it...

Though he also adds, "This might also affect other bits of the template, so I won't push the update just yet."

...so I'm not sure if I should use it?
I don't want it to fix this one issue and then break something else...

I was hoping there would be some little one-off fix I could add to the specific character or room code to work around it.


from what I've found out so far is that "IsInteractionAvailable" only stopped working with eModeUseinv.
edit: please ignore this. It's very possible that this is just a plain bug in the template.

Talking and everything still works without any changes.

So I'd say, the fix is safe to use - please do use :)


Quote from: abstauber on Fri 29/09/2023 09:40:15So I'd say, the fix is safe to use - please do use

Awesome, thanks!
And thanks for making this amazing template!

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