Uh-oh, we have a game breaking bug! I tried to climb a ladder
after the first robo fight, trying to climb the ladder bugs the character out completely. He started his climbing animation on the left wall and missed the ladder completely! The game then crashed and complained you have no frames in loop 2 (i've done these type of mistakes myself so...). To avoid this from happening in the future make sure the character is faced the direction where you have the climbing frames before calling the animation. Which i guess is loop3 = up, but since i turned him a different way it tried to get it from loop2 where you have no climbing animation. Just go player.FaceDirection(eDirectionUp); before changing to the loop animation. That way you are guaranteed it will run the loop you want afterwards. Or just copy paste the climbing frames on all the directional loops which is 0,1,2,3 and it wouldn't matter which loop he was on previously. Got damn it, i just want to finish the game! When i finally beat the robot it crashed on me, gaaaah!!!