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Messages - AndreasBlack

Uh-oh, we have a game breaking bug! I tried to climb a ladder
after the first robo fight, trying to climb the ladder bugs the character out completely. He started his climbing animation on the left wall and missed the ladder completely! (laugh) The game then crashed and complained you have no frames in loop 2 (i've done these type of mistakes myself so...). To avoid this from happening in the future make sure the character is faced the direction where you have the climbing frames before calling the animation. Which i guess is loop3 = up, but since i turned him a different way it tried to get it from loop2 where you have no climbing animation. Just go player.FaceDirection(eDirectionUp); before changing to the loop animation. That way you are guaranteed it will run the loop you want afterwards. Or just copy paste the climbing frames on all the directional loops which is 0,1,2,3 and it wouldn't matter which loop he was on previously. Got damn it, i just want to finish the game! When i finally beat the robot it crashed on me, gaaaah!!! (laugh)      
To further on explain what Khris said in more detail.

If you use Photoshop (or any other image-software) and you use pixelart. You need to make sure that in the image-size it's set to nearest neighbour or else you'll get blurry anti-aliased pixels which you do not want when resizing pixels!

Here comes my math professor PHD, choose percentage in the image-size (I'm taking Photoshop as an example) and then use multiplication.

If the resolution is 320 x 200 originally in AGS. You go 320 x 2 = 640, 200 x 2 = 400. Which means that you should set it to 200% in the image-size and you should get the correct image for your game assets
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 14/11/2023 15:21:49
Quote from: AndreasBlack on Tue 14/11/2023 14:34:56I would say add two backgrounds in the room. One that is black and one that's normal.

1. That won't hide any objects or characters in the room.
2. Adding this to any room where dialog may take place will unnecessarily increase the size of each room file. In case you need a room bg filled with color, it's more efficient to use DrawingSurface and color them by a script command.

Ahh! Alltho to my defense no objects or characters were mentioned in his post. It's unclear weither he should be able to still click or hover over characters/objects and see their names when it's dark with dialog???

Anyway player.Transparency=100; and oObject0.Transparency=100; should fix that. Then obviously flip back the BG and the object/objects once it's done if that's what he wants. I've edited. If you still don't like it. Show your code for the "proper solution" for us mere mortals  (laugh)

Edit: Sorry of-topic but...What do you mean a added background increases the room size, how much is that? Why have i never heard about this. Is it really a big deal? I have many rooms with 5 bakground images should i be worried?

I would say add two backgrounds in the room. One that is black and one that's normal.

function room_Load() add the main bakground, so the game doesn't flip between the bakgrounds like an animation!

Code: ags
SetBackgroundFrame(0); //Main BG 

Then before the dialog starts go forexample in the function NPC_Character_AnyClick()             

Code: ags
oObject0.Transparency=100; //object 0 is just an example. Match with your objects..
I'm a little confused aswell. If you want her to walk in coordinates the most simple way is to cordinate her halfway thru, then go Wait(1); and then next cordinate, she will stop really fast and switch direction. If you'd want her to wait longer you'd have to use timers (type settimer and push f1) you'll see the manual, very handy to know about! Manual sometimes can be confusing, but mostly there are examples!

Edit: Also to find out cordinates you can look in the view editor with the mouse and click with the scrollwheel then AGS captures the cordinates for you if you accept..

Code: ags

//Stupid example. If you are lazy and don't want to use timers..

Hologram: Greetings to you too.
  if (dDialog1.HasOptionBeenChosen(1))
    dDialog1.SetHasOptionBeenChosen(1, true);

I haven't finished yet, i noticed now you've done some bug fix updates, i'm not sure i had the latest cause i managed to bug it out. I took up three or four medkits and keys/phone duplicates  :-D Also i managed to put back the wires cause i thought i had to do that to get the door to open again, then i couldn't take them back  8-0 But apart from those bugs it's funny to play. I will finish it someday, hopefully. I went to buy some hans unt hans nuddles and then... (laugh) Will have to try again tommorrow!

Her best song from a none-fan. Generally speaking The modern beats and rap/asmr vocals usually don't do it for me, but this one is really good, i must say :-D
Fantastic! I'm gonna try it as soon as possible! Great job, now work on my game so i can finish it, kidding  :-D
Just played the demo, liked it. However i think i saw a grammar error it said "one our later". I think it was mean't to say "one hour later" probably? Apart from that it was interesting. I so wished for voices tho. Can't you use AI for voices? I'm doing that for my game, alltho it will double the amount of work for sure, but i would gladly do a voice or two if you need one! Some high quality Swe-English delivery  :-D 
I'm gonna try it again, perhaps i messed something up. Wouldn't surprise me one bit(!) Let's say it wouldn't be the first time i messed something up while 'coding'!  (laugh)

Thanks for all the replies!

Edit: It's working now, i wished i'd screen captured my stuff. Cause this is the second time where something really odd happens, but it was probably something else i was doing that was causing it.

I thought to myself 'yes'! That's it! I could probably use Resetroom to do this! 'psuedo hotel room trick' = one room but stores the room changes in global variables (light,switches,etc). If i store the values in global variables those are obviously outside of the room.

However once leaving the room calling
Code: ags

It takes away the added global values, since it was added in the room. If it was a room int value i would get it. Is that delibrate logic? It would make forexample "psuedo hotelroom" setups easier. If the global values would not get affected. I've solved it with a dumb solution atm using bools and a int for each room, which works since i'm no legit coder.

But it's more of a job i think. Then if i could have just went *add global variable int for each psuedo room* and ++; each time a button or a lamp or whatever is lit in that room and ofc --; when turned off then re-entering the room and it will check for if it was that room i was in before or another room and it will setup itself accordingly with that one int (if i'm thinking correctly). I understand ofc there are probably  'programmer ways' to do this properly

Code examples are very much welcomed as always! Lots of objects and hotspots to click around in the room :-D

I've been thinking about a 'hotel stairway' or what you call it. Where you can walk up to a 12th floor, as a demo room for rellax perhaps. Instead of the one i previously had in mind. Including both Y and X objects in the room. That could be a huge challenge for you to get right tho, but for us that wants to use rellax in various tricky ways it would show us "how" you'd use it "better". I still find myself struggling a lot. :-\
Looking forward to the not having to turn off smoothcam and still panning feature!

Anyways keep up the great work! (nod)
This hidden gem, great jam with Prince what common people would refer to as 'sick'  :-D
Sorry for the long delay! Been working on a giant BG (4000pixels wide) now i've tested 'The Toaster'. The syntax usages is a bit confusing for a none-coder like me, like you say perhaps write better documentation in the future. I didn't get how to tween it in fast, then stay on the screen for 5 seconds then tween out fast, sorta like the speed that is in your example, but just stay a little longer on the screen. Atm the duration also seems to adjust the animation speed itself i guess i must be doing something wrong, as always (laugh) This is my attempt code
Code: ags
Toaster t;
t.Toast("Ps4 Connected");
It's me again  (nod)

How do you setup so the various characters can use Snarky's lipsync tool on the basic lines? "I can't open that" "I can't use that" etc. Atm i'm just saying them in the rooms cAbstauber.SaySync ("I can't open that!"); but it would be nice i suppose a-reno to be able to use the template as it's intended a-who.

But with the lipsync working along with the characters aswell! I've added &10 etc in the template to get the voices for the various characters to say their speeches, but since the lipsync tool has a different syntax then the standard AGS &10 so i can't simply just add SaySync&10. I tried "player.saySync" inside of the template, but it's not setup that way it seems.

I hope your AGS forum vacation isn't going on for too long this crisis needs to be solved fast abo  :P
Hey Edmundito, it would be nice if one could tween the animationdelay of objects & characters in floats. To be able to speed stuff up like Wheels, fans, various mechnical parts instead of using the view editor or manually Photoshop perhaps or code it (i had no clue where to begin). Just a suggestion!

Duration time for how long GUI's stay on screen is another one. Atm the very friendly eri0o cranked out something that does it for me, but it should be optional in the tween module in the future to set desired duration, since if i'm not mistakening you can do that in other tweens of the module. I use your module all the time btw, keep up the good work! (nod) 

Probably you get confused cause i haven't tried it yet! I'm sorry i told you i should but i haven't. Working hard on a bakground for days. Perhaps i should take a break and try your module, but i'm so eager to finish stuff off so i can get somewhere in the game creation for once, and i just visit here for short breaks!

I'm sure it's good as it is. I didn't mean anything was wrong with it, or anything like that! My bad that i  communicate like a beep hole at times! (laugh) 

Another question btw. Does the Android Port work now with anything else then software renderer? Cause when i tried it only forced Software Renderer
I just like the gradient aesthetic. I use it for the controllers and for a notification where it says "push this to save anytime" aswell so it's not just for "fake steam achievement", but perhaps again you could still do that with the steam plugin, so never mind
I believe "Blink View" only works for Sierra portrait style games, but we "beginners" might not know that. I wished they could change that in the future, or maybe it's already possible, not sure. But blink view should work for normal characters walking around aswell, very confusing
Quote from: eri0o on Thu 05/10/2023 02:30:16Minimal update with added icon support!

Even better would be if you added the classic "steam look" bakground for the message! Perhaps Epic Games have their BG look and Gog. I rarely play games so i don't know, but steam seems to have that gradient blueish bakground everytime popping up so i printscreened it and used it as a joke in my demo game to make it look like you could get an achievement (laugh) But i think it's possible with real achievements in AGS games, right? Isn't there's a plugin for that? Perhaps it's already in there tho :-\
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