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Messages - Archangel (aka SoupDragon)

General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Thu 15/04/2004 23:34:56
Surely it's the other way around? I mean, if two people never have sex then there's always gonna be a tension there that will cloud their judgement; whereas if they get it all over and done with then the air will be clear of hormones for a bit so they can see whether they really do like each other or not.
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Thu 15/04/2004 23:21:37
I totally respect someone who will wait until they fall in love to have sex- they want to keep sex as something special, and that's cool. But marriage is just a technicality; why on earth wait until you're married to consummate your love? Show your partner how much they mean to you, the good old fashioned way ^_^

Me? I just can't get any  :o
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