Graphics Art wanted for new AGS Website

Started by tampie85, Sat 26/03/2022 20:41:17

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As I wrote in the New AGS Logo thread, I initially made the girl logo as a joke, as a high-resolution version of Gilbert's original image, because I thought it was funny and the whole cup-head thing was really clever. It's in an anime style because the original was.

The images here were mostly a way to spark some interest in this thread, because I see no proposal for the missing graphics since the thread was made.

Also, I don't see what's so "uncomfortable" about anime, it seems a bit like an exaggeration to me, but whatever. Myself, for example, I never liked the guy who is at the centre of the current main page (and is the first thing newcomers see), but I would never say that it makes me feel uncomfortable despite not liking the style. What does, however, make me feel uncomfortable is the image of the editor on the left, which looks really fake :P


Quote from: lorenzo on Sun 26/06/2022 09:07:23
Also, I don't see what's so "uncomfortable" about anime, it seems a bit like an exaggeration to me, but whatever. Myself, for example, I never liked the guy who is at the centre of the current main page (and is the first thing newcomers see), but I would never say that it makes me feel uncomfortable despite not liking the style. What does, however, make me feel uncomfortable is the image of the editor on the left, which looks really fake :P

Just to clarify, it isn't the artwork, or anime, itself that makes me feel uncomfortable, it's having it front and centre on the AGS site.  The vast majority of our users are likely to be more used to western media, and will have to have found AGS when they were looking to either play or make games similar to those from the 'golden age' of Sierra, LucasArts, Revolution etc.  (For reference, not one of the top ten countries from which our site is accessed is in Asia).  We don't want to risk making AGS look even more niche than it already is, and to turn off (or at least avoid attracting) new users.

And for info, "the guy" in the logo is Chris Jones, the creator of AGS.  That's just a little nod to the community though, by no means something we'd necessarily need in the new design!


I don't agree with you, the biggest visual novel engine is Ren'Py currently, and a lot of good creators are using and producing games with it. I would consider narrative games a market that would be interesting to cater, hopefully snatching developers from it could result in features on dialog and story writing.

But anyway, I mostly grew up with Manga and Anime so I don't have bad opinions on it when looking. But overall this whole interaction just made me a bit sad.  :(

If you want a middle ground art style, look up the Brazilian artist Maurício de Sousa.


Quote from: AGA on Sun 26/06/2022 15:01:15
Just to clarify, it isn't the artwork, or anime, itself that makes me feel uncomfortable, it's having it front and centre on the AGS site.  The vast majority of our users are likely to be more used to western media, and will have to have found AGS when they were looking to either play or make games similar to those from the 'golden age' of Sierra, LucasArts, Revolution etc.  (For reference, not one of the top ten countries from which our site is accessed is in Asia).  We don't want to risk making AGS look even more niche than it already is, and to turn off (or at least avoid attracting) new users.

And for info, "the guy" in the logo is Chris Jones, the creator of AGS.  That's just a little nod to the community though, by no means something we'd necessarily need in the new design!
I was quite obviously referring to the style of the character, which I'm not too fond of, not the person who is representing. I don't know why you have to chide me about the fact that he's Chris Jones, so far as putting "the guy" in quote-marks. If it's some sort of retort for me quoting your feeling uncomfortable, that was just to avoid adding a direct quote, Jesus...

The whole thing about people being more used to western media seems weird to me, as if a lot of western countries didn't air Japanese cartoons or sell manga for decades. There was even a thread about suggesting anime to watch on this very western-centric site, some time ago...

But, hey. You don't like Japanese-style characters? Fine, don't use the images. I'm sure someone else on the site will make something better for it.

I certainly won't waste more time pointlessly discussing these things.


Would you mind trying to make her face a bit more western, just to see what it looks like? I like the concept of what you've done so far. Or do you prefer to only draw manga style?


Quote from: lorenzo on Sun 26/06/2022 17:11:55
I was quite obviously referring to the style of the character, which I'm not too fond of, not the person who is representing. I don't know why you have to chide me about the fact that he's Chris Jones, so far as putting "the guy" in quote-marks. If it's some sort of retort for me quoting your feeling uncomfortable, that was just to avoid adding a direct quote, Jesus...

The whole thing about people being more used to western media seems weird to me, as if a lot of western countries didn't air Japanese cartoons or sell manga for decades. There was even a thread about suggesting anime to watch on this very western-centric site, some time ago...

But, hey. You don't like Japanese-style characters? Fine, don't use the images. I'm sure someone else on the site will make something better for it.

I certainly won't waste more time pointlessly discussing these things.

Okay, I think there's been a misunderstanding here, and if so I apologise unreservedly.  It feels like I've managed to offend you personally, and that definitely wasn't my intention.

I honestly only put "that guy" in quotes because I was quoting what you said.  There was really no sarcasm intended.  Everything I said was intended as just an infomative aside, no hidden message intended!

The only point I'm trying to make is, as the administrator of this site, and someone who's been here almost 21 years now, I am trying to take our user base into account.  Nothing I've said is meant as a criticism of the art you actually drew, or of anime / manga in general.

EDIT: and I've just realised the character in the banner is actually Larry Vales anyway, so...  I think the CJ in the navbar on the home page confused my brain!


I want to chime in since I somehow triggered the issue. I think I understand both sides. Let me explain:

I think most agree that the idea of a girl being a blue cup is awesome.

Manga is indeed the main artistic style for visual novels, so this could mislead people surfing the site to think AGS is an engine for VN, when it actually is so much more (of course you could also make a VN with AGS, but this is not the intended purpose.

What if we keep the girl, but show her in different styles, to demonstrate the flexibility of AGS? i.e. Award winners in pixel style, nominees as Manga, 404 as hip super lo-res, maybe even a 3D render for another topic?

Btw, I never really understood the thing with Larry Vales. I think he is from a game, but who of the current regulars knows that? Why is such an obscure character in the logo?


AGA: Don't worry, I wasn't offended. As you said, just a misunderstanding, which unfortunately can happen with written messages.

Quote from: AGA on Sun 26/06/2022 17:54:19
EDIT: and I've just realised the character in the banner is actually Larry Vales anyway, so...  I think the CJ in the navbar on the home page confused my brain!
By the way, I was referring to this character here (not the one in the logo), that while I recognize is well done, it's not the style I prefer, but someone else might love it. Just a random example of different tastes.

Anyway, I just tried to give some visibility to this page so that maybe more people can propose something else the same way they do with the logo, since it didn't have a lot of activity unfortunately.


Quote from: cat on Sun 26/06/2022 19:30:20
Btw, I never really understood the thing with Larry Vales. I think he is from a game, but who of the current regulars knows that? Why is such an obscure character in the logo?

Wasn't Larry, at some point, the unofficial AGS mascot? Regardless, he is a very old reference indeed.

As to the anime girl...I'm not feeling it, to be honest. Nothing wrong with the idea or the execution, though. Like AGA said, anime, or an anime "style", just isn't something I would associate with AGS.

If there was to be a mascot in the logo, the obvious choice would be an anthropomorphic blue cup, would it not? And now I'm getting a flashback to a long ago thread...¬¬
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish


We had a pretty heated discussion about putting Larry Vales in the banner back in 2010, with lots of people against. The main person arguing for it was m0ds. Given that AGA couldn't even identify him at first (and also for me, I was about to correct him that it wasn't CJ, but then I couldn't remember the name of the character), I think it would be a good time to retire him.

I like the sketches, but I personally don't see the need to invent yet another AGS mascot when we have bluecup (wtf), and if we are doing character graphics I would rather see a selection of characters from classic AGS games, but that's just me. In any case I don't think it should be a prominent part of the site.

Laura Hunt

My few cents:

- I've never known who that "Larry" was or what it was referencing, and I guess it's the case too for relative newcomers. It gave me the impression of being some sort of inside joke that I was not in on and as such, it felt like a weird choice for a "mascot".

- Not feeling the manga/anime look of the girl either. That kind of aesthetic is more commonly associated with RPGs or visual novels, rather than with point and click adventures.

- The logos with a single cup look much cleaner and elegant than the one with three cups.

Quote from: LimpingFish on Tue 28/06/2022 00:16:04If there was to be a mascot in the logo, the obvious choice would be an anthropomorphic blue cup, would it not?

Or... hear me out... a CUPYBARA. I'll show myself out.


Let's face it, Larry Vales has pretty much been forgotten. It's sad, but true.
We've had a few prominent AGS characters over the years, Davy Jones, Oceanspirit Dennis, and Ben Jordan, all come to mind. But the main mascots have always been Roger and the Big Blue Cup, and between those two the Big Blue Cup clearly won out since Roger was redesigned not so long ago.

The anime look though is a big no-no.  (wrong)
I personally like manga/anime and that whole homogenized style, but having that style represent AGS would be a huge tonal clash in my opinion. It'd be like Call of Duty using Pixel Art for their boxart, or Nintendo having HR Giger draw all of the artwork on their websites.  :-X

I've always associated the Chuck Jones style with adventure games, probably as a result of Day of the Tentacle. So take that for what it's worth.


Just as a silly sidenote - ProgZmax once did a really nice CJ / Roger / Mascot

But apart from that I agree: the blue cup is more than sufficient as a mascot.


I wanted to try my hand at offering up some art for the website.
Here's my take on Number 4 and Number 3 respectively for the Nominee and Winners of the AGS award:

I have the SVG files these came from and would gladly pass them along to be edited/resized if there's any interest in them.
I've made some games:
I've made some videos:
And some game videos:


Quote from: 4KbShort on Sun 23/07/2023 17:48:12I wanted to try my hand at offering up some art for the website.
Here's my take on Number 4 and Number 3 respectively for the Nominee and Winners of the AGS award:

I have the SVG files these came from and would gladly pass them along to be edited/resized if there's any interest in them.

Looks good, thanks! (light theme) and (dark theme).  It would be useful to have the SVG, yes, please.

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